Welcome to the 2025-2026 PIP application system. Please read the following instructions carefully.
On the application page you will find eight sections. Please fill out all the sections that apply to you.
You cannot modify the content of your application once it is submitted. As soon as your application is submitted, your referees will receive an email asking them to complete letters of reference. References must be submitted by February 5, 2025 at the latest. You will receive a confirmation email when you submit your application and separate confirmation emails when each reference letter is received.

The application deadline is January 31, 2025.

If your reference has not received the request for a reference, please ask them to email a copy of their reference in a Microsoft Word document to info@pip-psp.org Letters sent in other formats will not be accepted.

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Please contact info@pip-psp.org if you have questions at any time during this process. For IT questions, please contact IT@pip-psp.org.
Les candidats peuvent envoyer un courriel à alumni-anciens@pip-psp.org pour communiquer avec un(e) ancien(ne) stagiaire et obtenir des conseils sur leur demande avant de la soumettre.